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TL Dallas Shetland raises £7,260 for charity

TL Dallas Shetland has raised £7,260 for charitable causes as part of the company’s initiative to mark 100 years of the company. 

Funds raised will be split between Alzheimer Scotland, the Shetland MRI Scanner Appeal and Mind Your Head, each receiving donations of £2,420. 

The TLD Charitable Trust was set up with the aim of raising £100,000 by the end of the centenary year. 

TL Dallas employees throughout the UK have been involved in fundraising with a number of local and national charities chosen each year to benefit – charities close to the hearts of staff. 

Ruth Newbold and her team in the Lerwick office have been at the forefront of coming up with different ideas and most recently organised a gospel concert with great success. 

The concert featured artistes including Sheila Hend- erson and Freda Leask; Jim Budge and Friends; David, Jamie, Janis and Jenna; the North Ness Boys; and Senior Young Musician of the Year Elizabeth Halcrow. There was also a raffle and the event raised £2,213. 

Ruth Newbold also brought together an attractive Shetland nature and landscape calendar for 2019 with the help of local photographers Angela and John Lowrie Irvine. 

The sale of the calendars brought the total raised to £3,630 and when matched by TL Dallas through the charitable trust initiative it gave a grand total of £7.260 to be split between the three chosen charities. 

If you would like to find out more about the charitable trust and make a donation please click here.